Considering going vegan? Best tips for a smooth transition

Considering going vegan? Best tips for a smooth transition

So you’re thinking of going vegan. Good choice! The idea of transforming your lifestyle can be daunting but don’t worry: you don’t have to make a million changes overnight! 

Sometimes, the thought of changing your lifestyle can appear scarier than actually doing it. Remember to go at your own pace and decide which method will work best according to your life, routine, habits and needs. If you take one step at a time at your own pace, the transition to a fully vegan diet will feel quite natural, pinky promise!

In this guide, you will find some of our best tips whether this is something you want to try out or you are committed to changing your lifestyle.

Educate yourself first

Before you rush out the door and buy a kilo of tofu, inform yourself. 

This is a life choice so we’d strongly encourage you to find your own reasons to become a vegan: there’s plenty of them!

Is it for ethical reasons? Sustainability? You don’t agree with mass farm production?

Research documentaries, vegan movies, podcasts, blogs and even educators. They will help you form your ideas and you’ll feel more confident (and less alone) to make the leap.

Some other ideas for you would be to:

  • Learn how to optimally nourish your body on a plant-based diet

  • Start reading the ingredient lists and familiarise yourself with the less obvious animal-derived ingredients that show up in unsuspecting products (gelatin, rennet, etc)

  • Be on the lookout for vegan products at your local grocery store, research vegan-friendly restaurants and grocery stores in your area


Add, Don't Subtract

The biggest mistake most people make when going vegan is simply removing meat or animal products from their meals.

Instead, even before you go fully vegan, start incorporating more whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and tofu into your diet. Familiarise yourself with their preparation, storage and uses.

Start collecting and experimenting with vegan recipes that appeal to you! Cook for your friends or, if you already have vegan friends, ask to spend a day in the kitchen with them. In no time, you’ll be able to find quick and easy vegan meals that you absolutely love and you feel comfortable in cooking.

Lastly, swap your cow’s milk with a non-dairy alternative such as almond or oat. This is an easy switch for most people but there are a lot of options, so experiment to find which you like best.

Stay away from an all-or-nothing mentality

If you have specific foods you are having a hard time giving up, remember there is a vegan alternative waiting for you, you just need to find it.

For example, cheese is a very common food that most people hate the idea of giving up.

The good news is that there are plenty of “cheesy” product alternatives and recipes for you to try. You could start your vegan transition slowly and leave all of the tough foods as the very last ones to convert over to. This way, you’ll already be familiar with the vegan lifestyle and over time you’ll be able to cut them off completely.

On top of this, remember that people make mistakes all the time and you will at some point, accidentally eat something that is not vegan. Don’t beat yourself up for it!

This happens to everyone (even hardcore vegans!) and sometimes it can’t be avoided.


Young girl with matching tiger suite posing for picture laying against a wall

Plan Your Transition:

There are so many ways you can plan your vegan transition. For example:

Go vegetarian first, then vegan

Remove all meat and fish products from your diet and slowly go vegan by cutting down on eggs and dairy.

If you go with this transition, remember to not increase your consumption of dairy and egg products! Instead, incorporate more legumes, whole grains, tofu, nuts and plant based protein sources.

Slow transition from omnivore to vegan

Cut down animal products one by one, starting from the easiest to give up to the hardest.

For example, cut pork from your diet, then move to beef, fish and chicken. Then tackle dairy and egg products.

Remember to increase your plant based protein source at the same time and include more beans, nuts and seeds in your diet!! This is key.

This transition will feel very smooth especially if you’re educating yourself in the process with specific documentaries (we recommend Seaspiracy, Cowspiracy, Dominion and You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment).

Vegan from day one 

Swap out all of your favourite non-vegan items for vegan alternatives!

For some folks, incorporating vegan substitutes can really smooth out the journey into veganism.

These alternatives often pack a punch with protein, fortified with essential vitamins and minerals. They're not just easy to whip up, but also mouth wateringly delicious and bring a sense of familiarity.

However, some products such as veggie burgers, veggie dogs and vegan deli slices can be overly processed. As you settle into your vegan lifestyle, you might find yourself relying less on these products over time. It's perfectly fine to enjoy them (in moderation), but don’t make them your primary source of essential nutrients in the long run!

Remember, vegan food can also be unhealthy! These tips are to help you transition to a healthy, nutritious and sustainable vegan lifestyle that goes beyond what you eat or drink.

Consider cutting animal-products in other areas of your life too, such as clothing, shoes or household products!

Check out VegNews for more resources!

Best vegan restaurants on the Gold Coast

Gold Coast has so many vegan restaurants for you to try out and take your friends! Some of our favourites are:


Best vegan restaurant in Melbourne 


Best vegan restaurant in Sydney

Remember that every little bit counts when going vegan

Whether you go vegetarian, vegan, or simply cut down your consumption of animal products, you're taking a step in the right direction. Don't let yourself get caught up in trying to label yourself based on your diet.

And drop the overwhelm too. Adopting a vegan lifestyle isn't necessarily difficult, but there is a learning curve. Take your time, expect some mistakes, learn from them and move on!

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