Soul-Changing Relationships: Soul Mates, Wound Mates and Twin Flames

Soul-Changing Relationships: Soul Mates, Wound Mates and Twin Flames

On the Big Sis Pod Kaz sat down for a chat with Mary McHale from Twin Flame Enterprises to discuss the intricacies of soul-level relationships and the importance of self-love as a foundation for attracting healthy connections. This blog post delves into their conversation, shedding light on the different types of soulmates, the significance of mirror work, and the profound nature of twin flame partnerships.


Let’s start with The Importance of Self-Love…

Before diving into soul-level relationships, Mary emphasises the crucial role of self-love. She explains that the journey begins with cultivating a deep connection to one's own heart, awakening a radical expansion into love, self-discovery, and spiritual growth. Without doing the necessary inner work, attracting fulfilling relationships can be challenging. In translation you have to know yourself and love yourself in order to love someone else. 

artwork displaying cosmic connections

What are Soul Mates, Wound Mates, and Karmic Mates?

Maybe you’ve heard the terms but do you really know what these relationships consist of? Mary and Kaz discuss various types of soul-level relationships mentioning their differences and how to know the kinds of relationships you may find yourself in. Soul mates are individuals who come into our lives to help us grow and evolve, often providing comfort and familiarity. It’s someone you feel like you already know when you meet them. The person who you instantly connect with. On the other hand, karmic mates and wound mates mirror our unhealed aspects, triggering patterns and lessons that require growth and healing. These relationships come into our lives for a multitude of reasons but enable us the ability to grow and develop. Looking into your own relationships and understanding what they may be for you may help you understand why things are working and maybe why they aren’t. 

Mirror Work in Relationships:

Mirror work plays a vital role in soul-level relationships. Mary explains that we attract people who mirror our internal love affair or unresolved aspects. If we have healed a specific wound within ourselves, we may quickly outgrow a relationship with someone still struggling with the same issue. However, if we haven't resolved our own wounds, the resonance with the other person keeps us entangled in repetitive patterns until growth occurs. In some ways this comes back to our first point - self love. Without it we could be searching for all the wrong things in people that aren’t meant for us. 


Soul Mates as Spiritual Connections:

Soul mates can extend beyond romantic partners and include friends, family members, or even animals. They are individuals who resonate with our soul, providing comfort, support, and familiarity. These connections help us grow and navigate life's challenges with the feeling of being at home. 


Understanding Twin Flame Partnerships:

Mary delves into the concept of twin flame partnerships, describing them as relationships between two sovereign individuals who meet as a reflection of their inner beloved. Twin flame connections are rooted in spirit and serve as catalysts for personal growth, self-discovery, and contributions to humanity. The focus is not solely on the relationship itself but on individual and collective evolution. Twin Flame relationships sometimes have to end in order to fulfil what was meant to be. These relationships can be sources of great learnings and evolutions in our lives. 



Soul-level relationships encompass a range of connections that serve our growth and evolution. BUT, it is important to note self-love forms the foundation for attracting and nurturing these relationships. By understanding the different types of soulmates, engaging in mirror work, and being open to exploring twin flame and wound mate partnerships, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and profound connections with others. 

Note: This blog post is based on an interview and the perspectives shared by Mary McHale. For more information and to listen to the full interview see the links below.

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